Slaughterhouse Waste Processing for Biogas
Slaughterhouse Waste Processing
Slaughterhouse waste
Slaughterhouse waste to biogas conversion
Slaughterhouse waste includes all rejects of the animal which do not have any commercial value.
There is a major challenge to process this waste as all management aspects of theis waste are difficult. Slaughterhouse waste management needs handling, storing and processing the scraps of intestine, hooves, blood and infected meat.
The most common way of processing this waste is to convert this into biogas.
For biogas conversion the waste is first ground to fine particle size like paste. This slurry is then fed in to digesters.
Small machine video for Slaughterhouse waste processing
Shredder System video for large scale Slaughterhouse waste processing
Amey Engineers Solutions for slaughterhouse waste processing
Amey Dual Shaft Shredders are best suitable for large capacities but rough cut size output
Bio Mixers are the cost efficient solution for large capacity and acceptable fine slurry
Slaughterhouse Waste Grinding systems
A unique offering of the Amey Engineers a system of 2 different technologies. The system enables bulk loading of the waste and gives streamlines fine particle size output.
The advantage of this system is its cost efficient proposal. The system has a minimal maintenance requirement.