Magnetic Tapes Shredding and Data Cartridge Destruction

Magnetic Tapes Shredding and Data Cartridge Destruction

Data security application requires that the data cartridges should be destroyed so that the data can not be miss used, Magnetic tapes are made with very light grade plastic material hence it requires special arrangement in the grinding machine so that it can be cut to very fine particle size.

This application falls under data security requirement of Banks, Corporate and institutes. Along with the data cartridges and magnetic tapes laptop hard disks, cassettes are also destroyed. for general destruction purpose the dual shaft shredder such as Amey Engineers PS 300 H MC is used. For specific application of fine grinding of magnetic tape Amey Crushers are designed.

Data Cartridge Destruction

PS 300 H MC 7.5 HP Dual Shaft shredder for data cartridge shredding application.

The same machine can be used for the destruction of laptop hard disks, data cassettes, and general plastic e waste

Magnetic Tape Fine Grinding For Data Security

NS 220 high speed shear cut 3 HP Crusher machine

Amey Engineers NS series crushers are best suited for fine grinding application of light weight plastic material such as magnetic tapes, LDPE material etc.